Zulu Knobkerrie, South Africa - Sold
Zulu Knobkerrie, South Africa - Sold
Zulu Knobkerrie, South Africa - Sold 1
Zulu Knobkerrie, South Africa - Sold 2
Zulu Knobkerrie, South Africa - Sold 3
Zulu Knobkerrie, South Africa - Sold 4
Zulu Knobkerrie, South Africa - Sold 5

Zulu Knobkerrie, South Africa - Sold

A Knobkierie is a strong, short wooden club with a heavy rounded knob or head on one end, traditionally used by Southern African tribes including the Zulu, as a weapon in warfare and the chase. The word Knobkerrie derives from the Dutch knop (knob or button), and the Bushman and Hottentot kerrie or kirri (stick).The weapon is employed at close quarters, or as a missile, and in time of peace may serve as a walking-stick. The knobkerrie was emblematic of the Zulu people. A man always carried one, a custom which has not yet disappeared in rural areas. Made of heavy wood, it was an effective weapon, so long as guns were not present! Length: 21" Height: 8"

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