Songye Studies: Form and Symbolism, An Analytical Essay by Mestach, Jean Willy

Songye Studies: Form and Symbolism, An Analytical Essay by Mestach, Jean Willy

Burgundy paper boards, burgundy dust jacket, map on rear flyleaf, 183 pp. BW illustrations. Text is in French, German, and English. Consists of an illustrated analysis of the sculpture and tribal art of the Songye of the Congo. Includes illustrations of masks, sculptures, and archival photos of the people themselves. One of 1000 printed.

Etudes Songye: Formes et Symbolique, Essai d'Analyse = Songye Studien: Formen und Symbolik, Ein Analytischer Essay = Songye Studies: Form and Symbolism, An Analytical Essay

This study of Songye sculpture, in particular, grooved kifwebe (masks), provides a first-rate summary of the history of the carvings and their usage and the secret societies for which they were created. There are four sections to this volume: the essay (and its accompanying seven photographs) is presented in its entirety in three separate sections (English, French, and German). The fourth section consists of 42 large photographs of carved figures and masks, with data and captions for each presented in the three languages.

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