Snuff Container -Kamba People, Kenya
Snuff Container -Kamba People, Kenya
Snuff Container -Kamba People, Kenya 1
Snuff Container -Kamba People, Kenya 2

Snuff Container -Kamba People, Kenya

With metal inlay.
Snuff containers & pipes, made of many different materials & forms, are objects of great elaboration & ornamentation. Tobacco was smoked, snuffed, & chewed. The tobacco snuff was often mixed with ashes of other plants, minerals, & animal fats. This intense mixture was taken rapidly to induce intoxication. While it may be a personal pastime for some, tobacco in Africa is widely associated with public ceremonies, social etiquette, & the recognition of rank differences. For example, it may be used in greeting or as part of wedding ceremonies.

Snuff containers are also still used by diviners, as tobacco is a tool for communicating with the ancestors. It is used in divination to put the diviner in contact with the spirits.

Height: 3 ⅛" x Diameter: 1 ½".

Snuff Container -Kamba People, Kenya

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