Prestige Axe - Chokwe People, Angola/D.R.Congo
Prestige Axe - Chokwe People, Angola/D.R.Congo
Prestige Axe - Chokwe People, Angola/D.R.Congo 1
Prestige Axe - Chokwe People, Angola/D.R.Congo 2
Prestige Axe - Chokwe People, Angola/D.R.Congo 3
Prestige Axe - Chokwe People, Angola/D.R.Congo 4

Prestige Axe - Chokwe People, Angola/D.R.Congo

We have seen many different spellings for the Chokwe, including Tshokwe and Jokwe. Phonetics!
A ceremonial axe, usually brandished during ceremonies and ritual dances. It has a metal blade, and the handle is very eroded, but has decorative engravings and facial masks carved on either side of it.
Axes were a sign of status, and in many cases their blades rendered the axes as non-functional by virtue of their weakness. Prestige axes were a sign of status, authority and power.

Ex. Jean-Pierre Hallet, a Belgian who worked extensively in the D.R.Congo. In 1964 he wrote the autobiographical book, Congo Kitabu.

Height: 16 ½" x Width: 1 ¾" x Depth: 9 ¼".
It stands 17" in height on its custom 7" x 4" base.

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