Title: Headrest (pillow)
Material: Wood & metal handle
People: Pokot
Country: Kenya
Description: In many African cultures, small wooden
headrests or "pillows" are used to support
the head during sleep and also to preserve
their elaborate hair styles. In Kenya, the
headrests are carved in a variety of forms.
7.5"h x 4"w x 2.5"d, includes stand, 8"h x 4.5'w x 1 7/8"d stand
Title: Headrest (pillow)
Material: Wood & metal handle
People: Pokot
Country: Kenya
Description: In many African cultures, small wooden
headrests or "pillows" are used to support
the head during sleep and also to preserve
their elaborate hair styles. In Kenya, the
headrests are carved in a variety of forms.
7.5"h x 4"w x 2.5"d, includes stand, 8"h x 4.5'w x 1 7/8"d stand