Long Kuba Cloth (#177) - D.R. Congo
Long Kuba Cloth (#177) - D.R. Congo
Long Kuba Cloth (#177) - D.R. Congo 1
Long Kuba Cloth (#177) - D.R. Congo 2
Long Kuba Cloth (#177) - D.R. Congo 3

Long Kuba Cloth (#177) - D.R. Congo

$195.00 Reg. Price $240.00   You Save $45.00
Longer than usual, and priced as is, as there are some native repairs as can be seen in the photographs.I feel this just gives the piece character, and reminds you that this took months to make!
Material: Raffia
People: Kuba (sub-groups; Lele & Shoowa)
Description: Kuba textiles are delicately made from raffia fibers which are peeled from the leaves of the raffia palm tree. These fibers are woven together using a method> known as "cut-pile," a technique in which the ends of the raffia embroidery threads are cut very short & close to the surface, producing a soft texture similar to velvet. Not only a fabric, these textiles also represent wealth, in that they are the only cloth to be traded in the form of currency for various goods and services:
100 cloths = bride payment to parents
100 cloths = adultery fine
10 cloths = 1 axe
20 cloths = delivery of each child

Dimensions: 26" height x 42 ¾" width

For Appointment

PHONE: 1-858-454-9983