Framed 2 Sided 'Iziqhaza' Ear Plugs - Zulu People, South Africa
Framed 2 Sided 'Iziqhaza' Ear Plugs - Zulu People, South Africa
Framed 2 Sided 'Iziqhaza' Ear Plugs - Zulu People, South Africa 1
Framed 2 Sided 'Iziqhaza' Ear Plugs - Zulu People, South Africa 2
Framed 2 Sided 'Iziqhaza' Ear Plugs - Zulu People, South Africa 3
Framed 2 Sided 'Iziqhaza' Ear Plugs - Zulu People, South Africa 4
Framed 2 Sided 'Iziqhaza' Ear Plugs - Zulu People, South Africa 5

Framed 2 Sided 'Iziqhaza' Ear Plugs - Zulu People, South Africa

Framed and 2 sided.
Ear piercing was an important ceremony performed on every Zulu child before puberty. The hole in the earlobe had to be stretched considerably over a period of time to accommodate these large earplugs. The colors of the earplugs could be used to indicate the domicile of origin & also clan affiliation of their owners. Certain color combinations evoked associations with stages in the cycle of life. Most importantly, the earplugs identified the wearer as being Zulu.

Dimensions: 5 5/8" H x 7 3/4" W x 3/4" D x 1 3/4"
Material: Wood and Vinyl

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PHONE: 1-858-454-9983