Fang by Philippe Laburthe-Tolra for Musee Dapper

Fang by Philippe Laburthe-Tolra for Musee Dapper

Hardcover, in French.

Divided into 2 sections : The first (164 page) section is a 1991 study on the artwork of The Fang People, By Christiane Falgayrette-Leveau and Philippe Laburthe-Tolra : 75 Full-Page Color Photos of Fang Items. 13 Smaller Color Photos. 35 B/W photos. The second (145-page) section is a re-publication of "Les Pahouins - Monographie Ethnologique D'Une Tribu D'Afrique De L'Ouest - Resultats De L'Expedition 'Pangwe'De Lubeck, 1907-1909 Et 1904-1907" By Gunter Tessman : 33 B/W Photos, 60 B/w Drawings, 1 Color Illustration., 2 Maps. The end of the book contains an Index of Proper Names, and a Bibliography.

324 pp, 86 color and 95 b/w illus, drgs, maps, biblio.

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