Coptic Leather Magic Scroll Necklace - Ethiopia Sold
Coptic Leather Magic Scroll Necklace - Ethiopia Sold
Coptic Leather Magic Scroll Necklace - Ethiopia Sold 1
Coptic Leather Magic Scroll Necklace - Ethiopia Sold 2

Coptic Leather Magic Scroll Necklace - Ethiopia Sold

Ethiopian magic scrolls were made by the unordained priests called ‘Debteras’ and were intended as tallismans to protect the wearer, avert evil spirits, heal the sick and protect mother and child during the birthing process. Ink images on the enclosed vellum include saints, angels, stylized crosses and text cover on the long narrow parchment bands. The length of the scrolls would ordinarily equal the height of its wearer to literally protect them from head to toe.

This was collected by Paul Koprowski in the early 1960's in East Africa, when he was stationed there in the Peace Corps.

Scroll Width: 2 3/4" x height: 1 ½"

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