Title: Garment Fastener
Material: Tribal silver & turquoise
People: Bhutanese
Country: Kingdom of Bhutan, Eastern Himalayas, S. Asia
Description: This rare and exquisitely crafted piece
was used to fasten womenís garments
called ëKiraí. The brooches, linked by
a chain (around the neck) attached to
the front of the garment - one on either
shoulder or upper chest.
24"L. pendant 3"x3"
Title: Garment Fastener
Material: Tribal silver & turquoise
People: Bhutanese
Country: Kingdom of Bhutan, Eastern Himalayas, S. Asia
This rare and exquisitely crafted piece was used
to fasten womenís garments called ëKiraí. The
brooches, linked by a chain (around the neck)
attached to the front of the garment - one on
either shoulder or upper chest.
Dimensions: 24" length; pendant is 3" height x 3" width