Beaded Anklet (Izingusha) - Zulu People, Msinga Area, South Africa #1
Beaded Anklet (Izingusha) - Zulu People, Msinga Area, South Africa #1
Beaded Anklet (Izingusha) - Zulu People, Msinga Area, South Africa #1 1
Beaded Anklet (Izingusha) - Zulu People, Msinga Area, South Africa #1 2
Beaded Anklet (Izingusha) - Zulu People, Msinga Area, South Africa #1 3
Beaded Anklet (Izingusha) - Zulu People, Msinga Area, South Africa #1 4

Beaded Anklet (Izingusha) - Zulu People, Msinga Area, South Africa #1

Izingusha made out of tiny glass beads, with bands of different colors of beads. Variations of beadwork such as pattern, color and color sequence indicate area or group affiliation.

Height: 3 3/4" x Length of actual beadwork 9". With attachments, it is 17 1/2" in length.

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