Bamba Mask - Marka-Dafing - Burkina Faso -SOLD

Bamba Mask - Marka-Dafing - Burkina Faso -SOLD

The Bamba mask is danced at funerals as well as during rituals of purification. At funerals, it is danced on the tomb of the deceased after a long procession led by an antelope mask called Ghu. The Bamba honors the dead person and permits the soul to begin the long journey to the spirit world. 29"H(33" on stand) x 11"W x 13"D SOLD
The Bamba mask is danced at funerals as well as during rituals of purification. At funerals, it is danced on the tomb of the deceased after a long procession led by an antelope mask called Ghu. The Bamba honors the dead person and permits the soul to begin the long journey to the spirit world. 29"H(33" on stand) x 11"W x 13"D

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PHONE: 1-858-454-9983