Art of the Upper Volta Rivers (English and French Edition) - by Christopher Roy

Art of the Upper Volta Rivers (English and French Edition) - by Christopher Roy

Used -( I used this book a lot, as it is that good!)
1987 , 384 pp Christopher Roy - Photos with Artifacts in Texte français et anglais Alain et Françoise Chaffin, éditeurs Hard Cover.
Christopher D. Roy was Professor of African Art History at the University of Iowa. He first traveled to Africa in 1966 when he hitchhiked from Paris to Jerusalem through Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. He has published several books on African art, and specializes in the art and life of the peoples of Burkina Faso. He served in the Peace Corps in Ouagadougou from 1970-72 when he was director of the National Art Center. He has been teaching about African art for thirty-eight years.

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