African Arts Magazine - Spring, 2002, Special Issue: The Niger Delta and Beyond

African Arts Magazine - Spring, 2002, Special Issue: The Niger Delta and Beyond

Are We There Yet? (pp. 1+4+6-7) Sylvester Okwunodu Ogbechie
Ways of the Rivers: Arts and Environment of the Niger Delta (pp. 12-25+93) Martha G. Anderson and Philip M. Peek
Spatial Continuities: Masks and Cultural Interactions between the Delta and Southeastern Nigeria (pp. 26-41+93) Eli Bentor
Commercial Transactions and Cultural Interactions from the Delta to Douala and beyond (pp. 42-55+93-95) Rosalinde G. Wilcox
Eastern Nigerian Art from the Toby and Barry Hecht Collection (pp. 56-77+95-96)
Economic and Cultural Prehistory of the Niger Delta (pp. 78-83+96) A. A. Derefaka and F. N. Anozie
+ book and exhibition reviews etc....

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