African Arts Magazine -October 1993 - Volume XXV1 - Number 4
African Arts Magazine -October 1993 - Volume XXV1 - Number 4
African Arts Magazine -October 1993 - Volume XXV1 - Number 4 1

African Arts Magazine -October 1993 - Volume XXV1 - Number 4

Theoretical Angst and the Myth of Description (pp. 14-16+18-20+23+82-84+88) Patrick McNaughton
Women's Art as Gender Strategy among the Wè of Canton Boo (pp. 32-43+84-85) Monni Adams
Thrones of the Orichas: Afro-Cuban Altars in New Jersey, New York, and Havana (pp. 44-59+85-87) David H. Brown
A Rediscovered Afro-Portuguese Horn in the British Museum (pp. 70-71+87-88) W. A. Hart
+ book and exhibition reviews etc....

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