African Arts Magazine - October 1990 - Special Issue: Portraiture in Africa, Part II

African Arts Magazine - October 1990 - Special Issue: Portraiture in Africa, Part II

More on "Africa and the Renaissance": Rejoinder from Blackmun (pp. 16+93) Barbara W. Blackmun
Rejoinder from Curnow (pp. 16+18+20+22+89-90) Kathy Curnow
African Portraiture: A Commentary (pp. 38-41+93) Jean M. Borgatti
King Glele of Danhomè, Part One: Divination Portraits of a Lion King and Man of Iron (pp. 42-53+93-94) Suzanne Preston Blier
Portraiture among the Lagoon Peoples of Côte d'Ivoire (pp. 54-61+94-95) Monica Blackmun Visonà
The Odyssey of the Afo-a-Kom (pp. 62-69+95-96) Eugenia Shanklin
Royal Commemorative Figures in the Cameroon Grasslands: Ateu Atsa, a Bangwa Artist (pp. 70-77+96) Pierre Harter
+ book and exhibition reviews, etc etc

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