African Arts Magazine - Autumn 1994

African Arts Magazine - Autumn 1994

On the Origin of a New Tapis Mud-Cloth Design (pp. 16-17+90) Sarah Brett-Smith
More than Wives and Mothers. The Artistry of Mande Potters (pp. 26-37+93-94) Barbara E. Frank
Mambila Figurines and Masquerades: Problems of Interpretation (pp. 38-47+94) David Zeitlyn
Ekpo Society Masks of the Ibibio (pp. 48-53+94-95) Joseph J. Akpan
Convulsions of the Canon. "Convention, Context, Change" at the University of the Witwatersrand Art Galleries (pp. 54-67+95-96) Gary Van Wyk
+ book and exhibition reviews etc....

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