African Arts Magazine -April 1994 - Volume XXV11 - Number 2
African Arts Magazine -April 1994 - Volume XXV11 - Number 2
African Arts Magazine -April 1994 - Volume XXV11 - Number 2 1

African Arts Magazine -April 1994 - Volume XXV11 - Number 2

African Art and African-American Identity (pp. 1+6+8+10) Eric Robertson
A Collection of African Art in Seventeenth-Century Germany: Christoph Weickmann's "Kunst- und Naturkammer" (pp. 28-43+92-94) Adam Jones
From Double Consciousness to Double Vision: The Africentric Artist (pp. 44-53+94-95) Michael D. Harris
Contemporary Zulu Dolls from KwaLatha: The Work of Mrs. Hluphekile Zuma and Her Friends (pp. 54-69+95) Frank Jolles
Djenné at the Turn of the Century: Postcards from the Museum für Völkerkunde Basel (pp. 70-75+95-96) Bernard Gardi
+ book and exhibition reviews etc....

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