Traditional Zulu Doll by Lobolile Ximba - South Africa
Traditional Zulu Doll by Lobolile Ximba - South Africa
Traditional Zulu Doll by Lobolile Ximba - South Africa 1
Traditional Zulu Doll by Lobolile Ximba - South Africa 2
Traditional Zulu Doll by Lobolile Ximba - South Africa 3

Traditional Zulu Doll by Lobolile Ximba - South Africa

Material: Fabric, beads, yarn and sneakers

Lobolile has no formal education. She started making crafts in 1984 and was taught by her mother, Hluphekile a very creative woman who is still practicing her craft. These skills are being passed down through the generations as Lobolile teaches her 10 children ranging in age from 26 to 2 years of age. She has 6 daughters most of whom assist her in her craft making, which is comprised of both extraordinary beaded cloth dolls & beaded jewelry. Lobolile has also taught crafts to interested members of her community. Her dolls are expressive & powerful, and each tells a unique story of how rural women are dealing with the< devastating effects of the AIDS virus. Through her works this message has spread internationally.

Dimensions: 43 1/4" height x 13" width x 8" depth

For Appointment

PHONE: 1-858-454-9983