In Dogon mythology, the
world was like a granary
which contained compartments for the different seeds
God gave to mankind. The
original granary came down
from heaven on a rainbow,
crashing down to earth and
scattering human beings,
animals, & vegetables. The
zig-zag pattern represents
the path followed by the
Creator as he passed from
East to West & from North to
South during the formation
of the world. Grain is so
precious to them, that the
iconography on the door is
intended to protect it.
24.5"H x 12.5"W x 2.5"D
In Dogon mythology, the
world was like a granary
which contained compartments for the different seeds
God gave to mankind. The
original granary came down
from heaven on a rainbow,
crashing down to earth and
scattering human beings,
animals, & vegetables. The
zig-zag pattern represents
the path followed by the
Creator as he passed from
East to West & from North to
South during the formation
of the world. Grain is so
precious to them, that the
iconography on the door is
intended to protect it. Ex James Schmidt Collection
24.5"H x 12.5"W x 2.5"D