Flute - Mosi People - Burkina Faso (LS28) - Sold

Flute - Mosi People - Burkina Faso (LS28) - Sold

Flutes are usually played to accompany the music of balafons and the rapid beat of drums during ceremonies & mask performances. Flutes are played by groups of 5-7 or more men. Each flute is played in a set of notes with all of the complex but very repetitive tune. Because the languages in this area are tonal, flutes can imitate the tonal patterns of spoken phrases, and can imitate phrases from songs of praise for masks, warriors, or champion cultivators. The holes are burned with hot pokers through the projecting arms to the hollow center of the flute, & when the musician covers the holes he changes the pitch. They are also used during farming competitions & to sound the alarms to unite the villagers. 3.75"H x 2"W x .75"D NOTE: When displayed on the included stand, this flute reaches a height of 5.75"
Flutes are usually played to accompany the music of balafons and the rapid beat of drums during ceremonies & mask performances. Flutes are played by groups of 5-7 or more men. Each flute is played in a set of notes with all of the complex but very repetitive tune. Because the languages in this area are tonal, flutes can imitate the tonal patterns of spoken phrases, and can imitate phrases from songs of praise for masks, warriors, or champion cultivators. The holes are burned with hot pokers through the projecting arms to the hollow center of the flute, & when the musician covers the holes he changes the pitch. They are also used during farming competitions & to sound the alarms to unite the villagers. 4.5"H x 2"W x 2"D NOTE: When displayed on the included stand, this flute reaches a height of 5.75"

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PHONE: 1-858-454-9983