Title: Woven Cuff
Material: Oxidized brass wire plated in sterling silver
Description: Entirely woven by hand, brass wire jewelry is executed on
an individual basis. Using a simple crochet hook, the jewelry is created
following mathematical calculations to achieve the shape of each design,
work that cannot be duplicated by machine. This wire cuff has been
oxidized and plated in sterling silver to create an alternating, striped effect.
Dimensions: 2 1/2" width x 1/8" depth x 8 ¼" height.
Title: Woven Cuff
Material: Oxidized brass wire plated in sterling silver
Description: Entirely woven by hand, brass wire jewelry is executed on
an individual basis. Using a simple crochet hook, the jewelry is created
following mathematical calculations to achieve the shape of each design,
work that cannot be duplicated by machine. This wire cuff has been
oxidized and plated in sterling silver to create an alternating, striped effect.
Dimensions: 2 1/2" width x 1/8" depth x 8 1/4" inner circumference