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Utilitarian Artifacts | Miscellaneous
Some more amazing, yet miscellaneous utilitarian tools.
Pulley - Tuareg people, Niger (#2)
Pulley - Tuareg people, Niger (#1)
Wood and Metal Repaired Bellows - Fang People, Gabon
Bellows - Luba People, Shankadi Group, D.R. Congo
Prestige Adze - Yaka People, D.R.Congo
Mortar 2 - Dogon People, Mali
Wood and Metal Long Pipe 1 - Xhosa People, South Africa
Wood and Metal Long Pipe 2 - Xhosa People, South Africa
Old Cigar Mold
Old Wooden Printers Tray/Drawer
Vintage Wooden Brick Mold (1)
Set of 4 Iron Bells - D.R. Congo
Antique Wooden West African Washboard 1 - Ivory Coast
Antique Wooden West African Washboard 2 - Ivory Coast
Antique Wooden West African Washboard 3 - Ivory Coast
Antique Wooden Washboard - Senufo People, Ivory Coast
Metal Tip Adze - West Africa
Set of 4 Weaving Sticks - Nupe People, Nigeria
Copper Vase
Vintage Hand Carved Wooden Spice Box - Nepal
Antique Wooden Brick Mold (2)
Antique Wooden Brick Mold (3)
Antique Wooden Brick Mold (4)
Antique Wooden Brick Mold (5)
Axe - Zulu People, South Africa
Figurative Iron Lance/Staff - Bamana (or Bambara) People, Mali
Prayer Staff and Finial - Ethiopian Coptic Church
Walking Cane with Bullet Casings - Zulu People, South Africa
Pestle - Baule People, Ivory Coast
Figurative Staff - Zaramo People, Tanzania
Staff - Lwena? People, D.R. Congo
Wooden Walking Cane - east Africa
Sickle Holder - Nepal
Sickle Holder 2 - Nepal
Djenne Ceramic Bellows - Mali (PC19) - please inquire about availability.
19th Century Bronze "Chisel" - Senufo People, Ivory Coast
Farmer's Hoe - Tiv People, Nigeria
Farmer's Hoe with Metal Tip - Tiv People, Nigeria
Wooden Farmer's Hoe - Tiv People, Nigeria
Soapstone Diptych Coptic Icon - Ethiopia
Fish Net Needle - central Africa
Brass Wall Hook - Ghana
Set of 3 Ebony Wood Vases - Mozambique
Tin Can Oil Lamp - Eritrea
East African Metal and Wood Axe - Makonde People
Axe with Incised Loop Blade - Nigeria
Base for Food Bowl - Tuareg People, nomads of the south Sahara
Set of 4 Bowl Supports - Tuareg People, the nomads of the south Sahara
Small Leather Box, Tuareg People, south Sahara
Embossed Leather Lidded Box - Tuareg Nomadic People, south Sahara
Small Round Embossed Leather Box - Tuareg People, nomads of the south Sahara
Carved Wooden Flint Box - South Africa
Heavy Weight
World War One Map of German East Africa - 1916
Leather Case with Tweezers - Beni-Amer People, (Beja sub group), Ethiopia/Sudan/Eritrea
Vintage Leather Wallet - Sudan
Stitched Top Gourd 1 - Burkina Faso
Stitched Top Gourd 2 - Burkina Faso
Stitched Top Gourd 3 - Burkina Faso
Gourd - Burkina Faso
Raffia Weaving Loom - Kuba People, D.R.Congo