The Tumar is the most prestigious element in a
womanís wedding finery. Typically worn as a chest
ornament, the size indicated its wearerís wealth.
The number of carnelians reinforced the protection
inherent in the talisman. Since the end of the 19th
century, glass has been used in place of carnelian.
The Tumar sometimes contained verses of the Koran
and were also used for locking away small objects,
such a a key or money. The protective qualities of
warding off dangers and attracting good fortune
date back to Pre-Islamic times.
TITLE: Amulet pendant - ëTumarí
MATERIAL: Tribal silver, gilding and carnelian
COUNTRY: Turkmenistan, Central Asia
DESCRIPTION: The Tumar is the most prestigious element in a
womanís wedding finery. Typically worn as a chest ornament,
the size indicated its wearerís wealth. The number of carnelians
reinforced the protection inherent in the talisman. Since the end
of the 19th century, glass has been used in place of carnelian.
The Tumar sometimes contained verses of the Koran and were
also used for locking away small objects, such a a key or money.
The protective qualities of warding off dangers and attracting good
fortune date back to Pre-Islamic times.
DIMENSIONS: 12" height x 11.25" width x 1.25" depth