Title: Racing Mask
Material: Wood with aluminum and real teeth
People: Dan
Country: Liberia/Ivory Coast
Description: The 350,000 Dan live in the, North-Western Ivory
Coast. They are farmers, but have a reputation of being fierce
warriors, always battling their neighbors, the We, Guro and the
Mano. The masks incarnate the supernatural, spiritual force
called ‘Gle’ who lives in the forest. The Gunyege participate in
races with the fastest young men of the village. It is believed
that the power of the Gle helps its wearer to win. The mask
goes to the fastest runner as a trophy.
Included is a custom-built metal stand.
Mask dimensions: 10" height x 5 1/2" width x 3 1/2" depth
Stand dimensions: 8 1/4" height x 3 3/4" width x 4 1/2" depth
Mask on stand dimensions: 11 1/2" height x 5 1/2" width x 4 1/2" depth
Ex. James Schmidt Collection