"Playtime" by Dominic Benhura - Sold

Title: ‘Playtime’

Material: Opalstone

Artist: Dominic Benhura

Country: Zimbabwe

Dimensions: 15'' height x 3'' width x 9''depth

Weight: 16.4lbs

Benhura was born in 1968. His father died before his birth,
and he was raised by his mother. As he was an excellent
student, he was sent to the capital for further studies. He lived
with his cousin Tapfuma Gutsa, already a well-known sculptor.
Benhura turned to sculpting full-time upon the completion of
his schooling. He also began traveling, attending one-man
exhibitions in Botswana, USA, Belgium, the Netherlands,
Denmark, Australia and Germany. Benhura has an exceptional
ability to portray human feeling through form rather than
facial expression, and is considered to be a leader of the
second generation of Zimbabwean stonecarvers.

For Appointment

PHONE: 1-858-454-9983