Himba Copper Necklace - Namibia - Sold
Himba Copper Necklace - Namibia - Sold
Himba Copper Necklace - Namibia - Sold 1
Himba Copper Necklace - Namibia - Sold 2
Himba Copper Necklace - Namibia - Sold 3

Himba Copper Necklace - Namibia - Sold

HT: 11" x DIAM: 9" (INCLUDES STAND) Himba women are famous for covering their body and hair with a paste made of butter, ochre and ashes, which protects them from the sun and the insects. The red complexion it gives to womenís skin, is considered a sign of beauty. Body decor- ation is important in Himba culture, especially for women. They wear jewelry made of shell, metal, bone & leather. Adult married women also wear copper or iron necklaces and beaded anklets to protect their legs from venomous animal bites.

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