
"Forest Spirit" by Nicholas Mukomberanwa - Sold

Title: "Forest Spirit" by Nicholas Mukomberanwa

Material: Serpentine

People: Shona

Country: Zimbabwe

Description: Nicholas Mukomberanwa was born in the Buhera District of Zimbabwe in 1940. His interest in art developed from an early age while receiving an education at mission schools. He joined the "Workshop School" of the National Gallery in 1962 while a member of the Harare Police Force. He left the Harare Police in 1976 to become a professional sculpture. His work is represented in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, The National Gallery of Zimbabwe and in numerous private collections.

"Nicholas is the elder statesman of stone sculpture in Zimbabwe. After 28 years of sculpting, he has the respect of his colleagues and peers, and his work is held in high esteem outside of Zimbabwe. Mukomberanwa's work has now reached the height of power, commanding rather than inviting respect." - Celia Winter-Irving, Stone Sculpture in Zimbabwe

"If you compare your own life with the life of a stone, you see that your life lasts only a minute. The store has been around for many thousands of years. The spirit in the stone has survived everything: rain, sun, earthquakes. It has seen people go by who died long ago. It has heard conversations that no ones now remembers. And it will still exist long after we have disappeared from this earth." - Nicholas Mukomberanwa

Dimensions: 21"H x 8"W x 8"D

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