Title: Mask - Bukota Society
Material: Wood and kaolin
People: Lengola
Country: N. Eastern, D.R.Congo
Description: Used by members of the Bukota, the
2nd highest level of the menís initiation society. The
Bukota society has functions similar to those of the
better documented Bwami society of the Lega people.
Men & women may be members, with the wives of
male members holding complimentary titles.
Members wield political, legal and economic power.
They also organize healing and circumcision rituals.
Mask dimensions: 13 1/2" height x 7 1/4" width x 2 1/2" depth
Stand dimensions: 6" width x 5" depth
Dimensions including stand: 17 3/4" height x 7 1/4" width x 5" depth
Ex: Christopher McConnell Collection