3 Old brass metal charm pendants and a  Bronze Bead - Kirdi People, Cameroon
3 Old brass metal charm pendants and a  Bronze Bead - Kirdi People, Cameroon
3 Old brass metal charm pendants and a  Bronze Bead - Kirdi People, Cameroon 1
3 Old brass metal charm pendants and a  Bronze Bead - Kirdi People, Cameroon 2
3 Old brass metal charm pendants and a  Bronze Bead - Kirdi People, Cameroon 3
3 Old brass metal charm pendants and a  Bronze Bead - Kirdi People, Cameroon 4
3 Old brass metal charm pendants and a  Bronze Bead - Kirdi People, Cameroon 5
3 Old brass metal charm pendants and a  Bronze Bead - Kirdi People, Cameroon 6

3 Old brass metal charm pendants and a Bronze Bead - Kirdi People, Cameroon

Unique trio of handmade brass metal fertility pendants in good condition for their age with a fine patina of extensive use and wear.
The Kirdi, in the remote Northern Cameroon mountains refined the art of bronze-casting by the lost wax method.They created forms in beeswax and built a sand mold around them. They then poured in molten bronze which melted and displaced the wax. When the metal cooled, the mold was carefully chipped away, revealing the original form in bronze.

The pendants shown are worn to show status and stage of life. The banana leaf shown here represents a woman's transition from childhood to her adult role (twirled banana leaves are used during menstruation). Other elements symbolize marriage, children, and membership in secret societies.

The Kirdi have a long history of defiance, and the name Kirdi is an Arabic word for "non - believer" - given to these independent mountain people by invaders centuries ago.

2 ¾" (70mm), and the bead is 1 ½" (38mm) in length.

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PHONE: 1-858-454-9983